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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 100 – [side Oliver] Retrospection

“……uh……. This is……?”

 When I come to, I find myself looking at an unfamiliar ceiling.

 I understand that I am lying in a bed. 

 But, why……?

“Good morning, Oliver. Do you feel any physical discomfort?”

 I hear Luna’s voice from beside me.

 I raise my upper body and check my physical condition, but I don’t feel anything wrong at all. 

 By this time, I had understood why I was sleeping here. 

“I don’t feel any discomfort in my body. —-I see, I, lost, huh.”

 This is the first time in my life that I have lost to Orn.

 Up to now, I have never lost to him before, and I never doubted that I would not lose to him.

 But now that I’ve lost, there is something like a feeling of resignation in me saying “it’s natural that I lost”.

 I cannot explain why I feel this way.

 But I also feel somewhat refreshed.

“……How long have I been asleep?”

“About two hours. The awards ceremony is already over. The Marquis Forgas told us to return to the mansion as soon you woke up. I apologise for you having to get up so soon, but let’s move right away.”

 A summon from the Marquis Forgas.

 No doubt, a lecture for not winning the tournament.

 I have completely no enthusiasm for it, but I cannot not go. 

“Understood. Let’s go back right away.”

  ◇ ◇ ◇

 Walking along a deserted street on the way back from the arena to our residence, I think about things that will happen from now on. 

 The Hero Party has recently been in a terrible shape.

 There have been signs of this for some time, but I think we have finally reached a level where it will be difficult to repair. 

 The biggest reason for this is probably due to the addition of Philly.

 Not only Aneri, but even Derrick has lately been supporting everything Philly does.

 As a result, right now, she is practically the only one deciding the policies of the party. 

 However, I don’t think that’s a bad thing, and there is nothing wrong with her being the party leader.

 If it’s her, there is a certain sense of security. 

 So, what exactly is wrong with that? The conflict with Luna.

 It seems that Luna has had some kind of change of heart, and recently she has been proactively objecting to party policies. 

 Not like the case immediately after Orn’s departure where she simply rejected everything, but objections made with the party’s interests in mind. 

 And when Luna and Philly’s opinions clash, Aneri and Derrick always respect Philly’s opinion, so with a majority vote, Philly’s ideas are adopted. 

 Personally, I think it’s okay to try Luna’s suggestions, but the three of them do not allow so.

 Every time their opinions collide, the atmosphere of the party grows more and more tense.

 And since a few days ago, Luna has been losing her spirit.

 I do not know the cause, but I want to support her somehow.

(Maybe, it’s already time for this party……)

 This is something I have been thinking about for a while now.

 I feel it’s better to disband this party.

 I myself don’t really want to continue as an explorer with these members, and above all, my defeat this time will give the people the impression that “Golden Daybreak” is inferior to “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”.

 To protect the things important to me, I cannot be anything other than the best. 

 Otherwise, I will lose what is important to me.

 ………………Eh? What is it that is important to me?

 My allies?

 No, given that I am thinking of dissolving the party right now, I don’t think I’m afraid of losing them.

 Then, family?

 My parents died ten years ago when the village was attacked by bandits. 

 I don’t have a lover, and I don’t have anyone that I am thinking of raising a family with.

 So family is not that important to me now.

 Then, fame?

 No. That is not something for why I continue to be an explorer.

 What is it that I want to, protect by becoming stronger?

“Oliver? What’s wrong?”

 Luna’s voice brings me back to myself.

 I had apparently stopped.

“…..No, it’s nothing. Let’s head back quickly.”

 The more I thought about it, the more I found myself stuck. 

 The friend I promised together to conquer the Great Labyrinth I abandoned, and my priority became to conquer the Great Labyrinth myself.

 But looking back, there was no longer anything that I wanted to protect.

 My goal of becoming strong in order to protect what I wanted had somehow turned into the goal of only becoming strong.

 Haha, why did I only realise this now……

  ◇ ◇

 When I return to the mansion, the first thing we do is to head for the reception room.

 There, as expected, the Marquis Forgas is sitting in an expensive chair with a glass of wine in his hand.

 Across from him, Philly is sitting in a chair. Looks like she has been entertaining him until now. 

 And behind Philly, Aneri and Derrick stand like guards. 

 It is a bit odd to see two people, who for better or worse, are so self-centred doing something like that, but I suppose even if that is so, it’s not out of the question for them. 

 As much as it seems, the two of them have recently become obsessed with Philly. 

 However, the two of them are standing there with unfocused eyes, and it’s such a strange sight that I almost think they might be puppets.

 It is not hard to imagine that there is something wrong with them, but Marquis Forgas is my priority right now.

“We have returned.”

 When Marquis Forgas catches sight of me, his expression is filled with an unconcealable anger.

“Not once, but twice, how dare you besmirch my face! he said! How will you pay for this affront!!”

 There’s no trace of even a shadow of the usual Marquis Forgas, who would normally speak and act with a sense of composure.

“…….I did not let my guard down. Orn was stronger than me. That’s all.”

 Though I am speaking my honest feelings, I’m still surprised myself at my own words.

 I had thought that if I were to lose to Orn, I would be so frustrated and inconsolable, but now my mind is simply at peace.

“You say you did not let your guard down? Your actual strength is definitely not just something like this! Ten years ago, you put up a good fight against Velia Sans, didn’t you!? And yet–“

“Marquis Forgas, you’ve said too much.”

 A voice interrupts the space echoing with shouting, a voice that feels like it disallows any objection. 

 Was that Philly?

 The outraged Marquis Forgas would have continued with a raised voice, but with a single word from Philly, Marquis Forgas is silenced.

 What, is this. Has Philly ever spoken like this?

 A single sentence from Philly changed the atmosphere completely. 

 It is as if Philly is the highest-ranking person in this place.

 But Marquis Forgas, ruled by his anger, seems to have found that irritating. 

“Quiet, girl! Who do you think I am? I’m the Marquis who rules this entire territory!?”

“Would you please stop barking? I can hear you just fine without all that fuss. I didn’t plan to interrupt you in any way, but you mustn’t mention the name of that man so carelessly. Haven’t I mentioned that to you before? Or are you just a bird-brain who forgets things after a few steps?”

“Bird–, this is the first time I’ve heard such abuse towards me since I was born. Don’t think you can get away with this.”

“Ah, to get offended by this kind of language, as expected of a young master from a rich family. As the one who is actually inferior, please know your place.” 

 Even against the Marquis Forgas, Philly doesn’t take a step back, in fact just from the flow, Philly is the one pressuring.  

 But this is not good. The other party is still somehow a Marquis — a high ranking aristocrat. This will result in punishment for insult…….

“O, oi, Philly, calm down a bit…..”

“A fox hiding behind a tiger’s strength……! Without the power of Velia Sans, you are capable of –su!?”

 Immediately after Marquis Forgas mentions the name “Velia Sans” again, which Philly had told him not to say, a thick murderous spirit emanates from Philly. 

 When that touches me, chills run all over my body. 

(I’ve never felt such killing intent before. …..Who exactly is Philly?)

 Luna, standing next to me, also gulps when she feels Philly’s murderous spirit.

 But even with this, Aneri and Derrick do not flinch.

 What is going on?

 The developments are so sudden I can’t follow anything. 

“A bird-brain after all. If he’s this useless, he’s going to be a problem for our future plans. Let’s get rid of him here.”

 Philly stands up, muttering something disturbing.

“You’re, you’re going to kill me!?”

 Due to Philly standing and adopting a patronising attitude, combined with her killing intent, Marquis Forgas falls into a state of disarray. 

“Right. That would be easy, but fortunately for you, you’ve come to have a lot of influence. If I were to eliminate you here, that would be troublesome. So I’m not going to kill you — physically, okay?”

“Hiiiee…….! Don’t, don’t mess with me! I won’t stand ending in a place like this…..! If that’s what you intend to do then–!”

 Marquis Forgas says while making something golden appear.

 Is that, a magic stone?

 It’s my first time seeing a golden magic stone before.

 What is he going to do with it?

“–su! That’s! Stop!’

 Seeing that magic stone, for the first time, Philly panics. 

 Is it really that big of a deal?

“Oliver! Burn this magic stone into your sight!!”

 Marquis Forgas holds the magic stone out in front of my eyes as he says so.

“Oliver Cardiff! Close your eyes now! You can’t look at it!”

 Philly tells me to look at it.

 But I can’t take my eyes off this magic stone.

 As I look at the magic stone, my heart palpitates.

“U, ugh…….”

 The strength leaves my body, I end up unable to stand, stagger and kneel. 

“Oliver! What’s going on!? Are you alright!?”

 What should be the voice of Luna calling out to me nearby, sounds very far away.

(What is this, what is this…..! My body, hot.)

“Guh…… my head…….”

 I feel a pain so intense that it feels like my head is going to split.

 At the same time, memories that I don’t remember flow in.


 Even though these shouldn’t be memories I know, somehow my instinct tells me that everything up to now has been fake. 

 And I could feel power flooding out of my whole body.

 In the midst of confusion, I can’t control this overflowing strength. 

 And I–

 Along with the determination to “destroy the Guild”, my consciousness fades.

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