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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 101 – Sudden Change

 After safely winning the martial arts tournament, I returned to the Clan headquarters following the awards ceremony and interviews.

 Then, I headed to the Exploration Management Department where Sophie and the rest were, and found Selma and Estella having a meeting.

“Ah, it’s Orcchi~!”

 I wasn’t sure if I should call out to them as they were speaking with serious expressions, but Estella notices my presence and addresses me.

“Sorry, am I interrupting?”

“No, not all. –More importantly, I heard you won the martial arts tournament. Congratulations.”

“Congrats~, Orcchi!”

“Thank you very much.”

“With this, you’re number one in both reputation and reality. This makes it much easier for us to move as a Clan. Huge thanks.”

 As Selma says, some of the sponsors of the Hero Party might move to “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” due to this result.

 If funds increase, we can embark on plans that haven’t been executed due to insufficient budgets, and I feel a sense of accomplishment thinking that my results this time can contribute to that.

“I just did what I could do. –Is this about the plans for tomorrow and after?”

 I look at the paper on the table and ask.

“Yeah~. Today’s the last day of the labyrinth exploration ban. We have quite a few requests from sponsors, so we’re thinking about how to split them among each party.”

 Naturally, requests for labyrinth materials also came in from sponsors during the labyrinth exploration prohibition period.

 They would have definitely accumulated quite a bit, and to not spoil the sponsors’ moods, there’s a need to clear them as soon as possible, so it’s better if we properly considered how they should be distributed to the parties. 

 I think I’d better help too.

“Orn, you’re going to be touring the city with Sophia and the other 10th Squad members, right? You’ve already done a great job by winning the martial arts competition. Relax and stretch your legs today.”

 Selma informs me.

“That’s right~. From tomorrow, we’ll be putting you to work in labyrinth exploration again!”

“Tomorrow we have to deal with the aftermath of Thanksgiving, so the 1st Unit won’t be exploring the labyrinth until the day after tomorrow.”

 I’ll be honest, it pains me to be the only one playing while the two of them are working, but if it were the other way around, I’d say the same thing, so I’ll take advantage of their kindness here.

“……Then, I’ll take up your offer and enjoy today.”

“Yeah, go have fun.”

  ◇ ◇

 After finishing the conversation with Selma and Estalla, I proceed to the room that the 10th Unit uses. 

 The room is already filled with all three of them,

“Ah, Master-! Congrats on winning-!!”

 Carol, the first to notice me entering, congratulates me.

“Congratulations, Orn!”

“Congratulations! Master, you were really cool! Thinking that someone like that is my master, it somehow makes me feel like I was the winner!”

 Following that, Sophie and Log also offer their congratulations.

 Still, Log is very excited.

 Definitely the most he’s been in recent times.

 Well, I don’t feel bad that he’s this happy.

“Thank you, all three of you. –Well then, we only have about half a day left, but shall we go around town? Is there anywhere you want to go?”

“Yes. Each of us have decided on one place we want to go! –But before we do that, may I ask you one thing?”

 Log asks with a serious look.

“I don’t mind. What is it?”

“It’s alright if we start exploring the labyrinth again tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah. The labyrinth exploration prohibition period ends after today. Are you going to explore the labyrinth immediately?”

“Yes. The three of us talked about it and decided. Tomorrow, we will try again to clear the 30th floor!”

 As Selma mentioned earlier, the 1st Unit won’t be entering the labyrinth tomorrow because of Thanksgiving post-event matters. 

 But I guess half a day shouldn’t be a problem.

“Got it. I will accompany you all this time. As before, I won’t give you any help or advice unless there’s something wrong, so give it your best.”

“””Yes, sir!”””

 With the 10th Unit’s abilities, they should have no problem clearing the 30th floor.

 If they reach the 31st floor, they will graduate from being beginners. 

 And they’ll be counted among the fighting assets of “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”.

 At that time, they’ll have to decide on a party name.

 While I’m thinking about that, a roar sounds from outside, like multiple explosions occurring at the same time.


“What, what!?”


 The three of them are confused by the sudden event.

“It’s okay. The explosions happened quite a distance away. Panic is the worst thing you can do at a time like this. First, let’s take a deep breath and calm down.”

 After calling out to the three, I turn my attention to the window where the sounds came from. 

 Buildings block the line of sight, but smoke is rising from beyond.

(In this direction and distance, the place where the explosion happened is……. su! Around the mansion of the Hero Party!)


 Just as I locate the place where the explosion occurred, Selma, having a meeting nearby, enters the room.

“Selma, I’m going to check on the situation. I’m the most mobile one here.”

“I was just about to ask you to do the same. I’ll go to the Guild headquarters to gather information just in case.”

 In such an irregular situation, the Guild headquarters is the fastest place to gather information. It’s best for Selma, with [Telepathy], to be stationed there.

“Yes, please.”

“I’ll connect with you. Let me know if you find out anything.

“Got it.”

“Orn.” “Master-” “Master.”

 The three of them give me anxious looks.

 I make an effort to smile and pat them on the head.

“I’m going to check things out a bit. All three of you will follow the instructions of the people in the Exploration Management Department.

“Understand. Orn, please be careful.”

“Yeah. I’m off.”

 After speaking, I activate [Dexterity Up] and [Agility Up] along with a [Double].

 Jumping out the window, I step on a [Reflective Wall] I set in the air and leap into the sky. 

 Then, after securing some altitude, I use [Magic Convergence] to create footholds and move toward the place from where the smoke is rising.


 As I close the distance, the location of the rising smoke becomes clearly visible. 

 The origin, as expected, is where the Hero Party’s mansion is located.

 However, the house is already gone, the centre is empty, and debris is piled up around it.

(What happened? –su?)

 As I observe the situation from above, a shock wave is generated in a straight line about 10 metres from where the mansion used to be.

 Buildings in the path of the shockwave can’t withstand it and collapse.

(……Did a demonic beast appear overground? No, it’s Thanksgiving. The alert level in the city should be higher than usual. It’s hard to imagine that they missed a demonic beast that could have spread this much destruction. If that’s the case, then this must be a man-made disaster……)

 Is it a silver lining that this area is lined with luxury residences with few passersby?

 If this had happened in a busy area, the damage would have been horrendous.

 No, the situation is already serious by this point.

 As I head toward the start of the shockwave, I see a man standing there, who looks like the culprit.

 He’s about to casually swing his sword covered in gold mana. 

“What are you doing, you idiot?”

 I land in front of the man and kick him in the abdomen with all my strength.

 The man takes my kick and flies backward.

 But it seems that he’s received no damage at all, and he’s standing there as if nothing had happened.

“……Are you the one who made this mess?”


 He shows no reaction to my words.

“–su! I’m asking you if you did this! Answer my question! Oliver-!!”

 I knew from when he didn’t respond to my first question, but there’s something obviously wrong with Oliver’s condition.

 His eyes are wide open, and his expression lacks any emotion.

 And his whole body is emitting something like a golden aura.

 That aura must be mana.

 He’s releasing such dense mana that it can be seen even without using his Talent? I’ve never seen or heard of such a phenomenon.

 As I’m conveying the situation to Selma, Oliver suddenly raises his arm and points the tip of the sword in his hand straight up.

“–Oi! Wait!”

 Sensing what Oliver is about to do, I immediately call him to stop, but of course he doesn’t stop, and he swings down.

 The slash draws a thin golden path, chasing me with great speed.


 I jump to the side to avoid it, the building behind me is cut in two.

(The mana on the blade had already dissipated,……. He just swung his sword normally!? That’s too insane……)

 Oliver’s absurd power sends shivers down my spine.

 As I’m surprised by Oliver’s sudden change and outrageous slash, Oliver lifts his sword again.


 After activating [Strength Up] and [Agility Up] with [Quintuple], I flank Oliver.

 While closing the distance, I make appear the long sword for the martial arts tournament and strike it against Oliver’s sword.

(With magic, I won’t lose in terms of strength!)

 At the time of contact, I activate [Impact].

 The power generated by our clash spreads and blows away the surrounding buildings.

 And not only the buildings, but my sword also can’t withstand it.

 The blade of my long sword starts breaking from the middle.


 In the split second that I directed my attention to my sword breaking, Oliver’s left fist comes at my unprotected chest.

 Immediately, I deploy a magic barrier and increase the firmness with [Mana Convergence].

 There’s no time to activate [Impact].

 My magic barrier is barely a hindrance and is penetrated like a piece of paper.

 Using the moment created by the barrier, I cross my two arms in front of my chest and receive Oliver’s attack. 


 Oliver doesn’t hold back his fist.


 I’m blasted backwards, my back crashes into a building.

 I immediately get up and activate [Heal] on my entire body and the pain subsides.

(What’s with this strength from Oliver….)

 I don’t know why Oliver is acting this way.

 But he’s definitely not in a decent state.

 We’re in a sparsely populated area now, but there’s a street of stalls not far from here.

 And there’s far more people there than here.

 They’ve probably started seeking shelter since hearing the explosion sounds, but I can easily imagine that they’re in a state of panic.

 If they begin panicking in such a place, there’ll be considerable victims.

 That’s the one thing we must absolutely prevent.

 –And to prevent Oliver from committing any more crimes……!

 From what’s just happened, it’s hard to believe that words will reach Oliver.

 If that’s the case, the only way is to use force…….”

“Prepared to get hurt.”

 To make my next move, I construct multiple formulae. 

  ◇ ◇

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