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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 103 – [side Luna] Fairy Queen

 Oliver looked at that golden magic stone like thing that Marquis Forgas made appear and suddenly crouched down in agony.

“Oliver! What’s happening!? Are you okay!?”

 I hurriedly cast [Heal], but it’s completely ineffective. 

“This is, mana….?”

 Dense mana leaks from Oliver’s anguished figure.

 As a side effect of my Talent, I am sensitive to mana. 

 I can see even the slightest flow of mana, but if it’s this dense, you may be able to feel it even if you’re not me.

“You’ve done it now, Clive Forgas.”

 Philly mutters furiously.

 Is this really Philly?

 She doesn’t even resemble the slightest bit the person we were with yesterday.

“I remain the victor! Against Oliver with his power released, even you cannot prevail! Now, Oliver! Trounce this woman!”

 What is the Marquis saying?

 Seeing Oliver’s state right now, why does he think Oliver can fight?

 Even though no matter how you look at it, he’s in no condition to fight. 

“……This, forces a change in plans.”

 Philly doesn’t react at all to the Marquis’ words at all and just looks at Oliver while muttering to herself.


 Then, Oliver cries out in misery. 

 And golden mana so dense that it is visible even without my Talent overflows from his body.

 Following that, Oliver, who had been suffering, becomes quiet, he suddenly stands up.


“Hahaha! Oliver, kill this woman!”

 After Oliver rises, the Marquis orders.

“Destroy the Guild.”

 Oliver utters a few words and walks towards the wall of the room.

“O, oi, Oliver! What are you doing? Quickly kill this woman quickly!”

 Without even listening to the Marquis’ shouts, Oliver marches up to the wall and suddenly picks up his sword which was propped up against that wall, then slashes at it.

 He makes a hole in the wall, a hole so big that you can hardly believe it had been made by swinging a sword, and he walks out just like that. 

“I see. That’s how it’s going to be. –Well, let’s do it this way.”

 Philly mumbles something.

 I still, don’t grasp the situation, and remain confused.


<Luna! Immediately raise your defences!>

 A girlish voice echoes in my head.


 I instantly deploy a magic barrier around me, right after that, Philly strikes the floor with the cane in her hand.

 Then, an incredibly powerful gust of wind originates from around Philly, the mansion, unable to withstand, is blown away. 

 After the wind stops, only Philly, the Marquis, Aneri, Derrick and I remain.

“W, what has happened?”

 The Marquis, panicked by this sudden occurrence, is shouting, but I suppose that can’t be helped.

“……Not just reacting to my attack, but also protecting everyone, aren’t you good. Luna.”

<Is that Sylph? That was helpful. Thank you for protecting everyone.>

 I had only deployed a magic barrier around my own perimeter.

 Strictly speaking, not to mention the Marquis without any fighting ability, even the ones who were just standing there, Aneri and Derrick, should have also been blasted away. 

 However, they are still here.

 I can only surmise that it was because Sylph, the wind fairy, had generated another gust of wind around the three of them, offsetting Philly’s attack.

<Who cares about humans though-. The Queen told me to protect them.>

<Titania……? Why is that–>

<Don’t be absent-minded!>


 As I converse with Sylph, another voice echoes in my head.

 Immediately after that, countless magic formations appear to cover me.

“……You really are a nuisance. My Talent seems to be a bad match-up against you, so I think I’ll have Luna die here after all.”

 Upon realising that they are all [Super Explosion], I’m already surrounded by countless explosions.


“Gah, gaaah.”

<Are you alive? Lu child.>

 I ended up inhaling the smoke generated by the explosion, and as I coughed, I hear an adult female voice in my head.

<Yes, thanks to you. Thank you very much for saving me. Titania.>

<Good grief, what a troublesome child.>

  ◆ ◆

 Supernatural beings that humans cannot see. Fairies. 

 But even though I don’t see them, I know the fairies are there, and I can speak to them.

 My Talent is [Spirit Domination].

 This means I can put spirits under my control and manipulate them at will.

 It’s similar in essence to Orn and Oliver’s [Mana Convergence].

 But in contrast to how they intervene with mana and gather it to one point, I can only interfere with the transformed mana that is spirits, though other than gathering them, I can also do various other things. 

 And as a blessing of this Talent, I have two abilities that others do not have.

 The first is the ability to perceive mana.

 In my case, I can see the movement and concentration of mana and the presence or absence of spirits.

 This is the same to a greater or lesser extent for all those who have the ability to manipulate mana.

 The second, however, is probably an ability unique to me. 

 That is the ability to perceive and converse with fairies.

 Although fairies are also spirits, they are unique beings and cannot be commanded.

 However, like earlier, they can lend us help. 

 Well, fairies are capricious and don’t like to get involved with humans, so they tend not to be very cooperative……


<Apologies for having bothered you. But, why Titania? You said you had no intention of working with humans.>

<It’s true that we despise the current world. But I like you, Lu child, I don’t want you to die. –Besides, the mere fact that that woman exists makes my gut churn. If I can make her say I’m getting in her way, I’ll gladly assist.> 

 Do fairies have guts? The thought flashes in my mind.

<If Titania, you’re willing to help, I’m reassured. I don’t know why Philly is acting this way, but first I’ll neutralise her. Then I’ll hear what she has to say!>

<……It is annoying, but that woman is special. Lu child, as of now, you cannot draw out our power and hence you will not have victory in sight. Even if we fight, defeat is inevitable.>

 It is true that I have never seen a person who can activate such a large amount of special-grade magic so quickly.

 If Titania says I have no chance of winning, then it must be so.

 Fairies don’t put on an act like humans. Everything they say is genuine.

 Because humans and fairies exist in different dimensions, fairies cannot directly interfere with us.

 Interference requires humans as intermediaries. 

 However, even I, who has a high affinity with fairies, haven’t been able to draw out all their power. 

 Currently, I can only bring out a small part of the fairies’ powers.

<I see. Then what shall we do?>

 If there’s no possibility of winning then escape is the only means, but if it is as I think that Philly’s main job is a Magician, then escaping won’t be easy.

 ……Speaking of which, there’s no more sign of Sylph’s presence. 

 Where did they go?

<……Lu child, for now, manoeuvre in a way where you won’t die. Um, what was that? Right, time! –Survive for ten minutes. If you can, the situation will turn better.>

 Ten minutes? I am not really sure of the intention, but from what Titania just said, it must mean that it’ll be difficult for me to survive for even ten minutes.

 If I lose focus, I will die. Having been attacked by Philly, I know that the best.

 I don’t want to die, I will desperately struggle and claw my way. 

  ◇ ◇

 After I finish speaking to Titania, I blow the smoke around me away with wind and bring Philly in sight. 

 Philly has a red magic stone the size of her fist in her palm and looks to be concentrating on something.

 What is she doing?

“Huuu…. Indeed, it’s not easy to bring about five places at the same time. But with this–“

 As Philly mutters something, the red magic stone on her palm shatters into pieces.

 Then, the large amount of mana contained in the magic stone split into five parts, each dispersing to somewhere else.

 A magic stone of that size can only be obtained as a dungeon core from the deepest level of a labyrinth or from a demonic beast equivalent to a deep layer Floor Boss.

 To use such a precious thing as a throwaway, it must mean that they have used it for something appropriate, but I don’t have the slightest clue.

“Aneri, Derrick, both of you also head to the Guild. Take advantage of the chaos to dispose of Leon Conti.”

 After Philly tells them this, the two who haven’t moved at all start doing so.

 Dispose of Guildmaster Leon Conti? In other words, she means to kill him!?

“Do you two understand what you are attempting to do!? If you do that, you won’t be able to be explorers anymore!?”

 If an explorer harms a Guild official, they will be subject to an appropriate penalty, such as being restricted from entering labyrinths for a certain period of time.

 If you kill, you would be expelled from the Guild.

 And if you are expelled, your Guild card will be confiscated and you will not be allowed to enter labyrinths, you will not be able to remain an explorer.


 The two, same as before, with emotionless faces, walk towards the Guild, not responding to my voice at all.

“No point. They already have almost no self-awareness. They are mere puppets that can only move at my command.”

“Puppets……? Is this your Talent, Philly?”

“Yes, that’s right. Since you will be dying soon, I’ll spare you the details, there’s no point in telling you.”

 While Philly and I are having this conversation, I hear the sound of several buildings crumbling behind me with a loud crash.


 Turning around in a panic, I see part of where the buildings had been are now wiped out and turned into a pile of rubble. 

 Back there, Oliver stands.

(Did Oliver, do….?)

“As expected of someone harbouring the power of the Hero from the fairytales. Well, this is probably just the beginning. I do want to pit that power against the Floor Boss of the 100th floor after all. It would have been a shame to have him destroyed here.”

“W, what is going on!? Oi, Philly! Explain!” 

 The Marquis, in a state of agitation since a few minutes ago, interrogates Philly.

“What an annoying buzzing. Go to sleep for me.”

 As soon as Philly mutters this, the Marquis suddenly loses consciousness like a magic tool running out of magic power.

 The Marquis is breathing steadily and doesn’t seem in a life-threatening condition, but this is definitely the work of Philly.

“Why……, why are both Oliver and Philly doing this……!? With this, not only is this party at risk, but we ourselves are in danger! To begin with, it’s reprehensible to act against a civilian who can’t retaliate! Please stop this now!!”

“The current era is somewhat more peaceful than in the past. That’s probably why humans are living in such a comfortable way. –But that’s a foolish way to live. Don’t you think so?”

“I don’t think so at all! Isn’t peace fine! Why is there a need to bring about conflict?”

“Your thoughts are naive. Humans are currently on the verge of their own destruction. Well, as for me, I welcome this development.”

<Lu child, destroy that woman. I cannot stand listening to what she has to say….!>

 I hear Titania’s voice, filled with anger.

 I have also just come to the realisation that my values are so different from hers that there’s no point in having a conversation. 

 I am an explorer.

 I believe that explorers exist to bring back resources from the labyrinth and enrich people’s lives.

 Explorers should not turn their teeth towards people.

 Even more so if they are party members.

 That’s why I have a responsibility to stop my party members from doing evil.

 If I have to fight to achieve that, I will not hesitate!

 I will stop Philly!

 So I leave it to you to stop Oliver. –Orn!

 Feeling the presence of Orn approaching from the sky above, I entrust him with Oliver.

  ◇ ◇

 Then, I begin to fight with Philly, but to sum it up, I personally can’t do anything to her. 

 Even though I’m practically fighting two against one with the help of Titania, we’re still being pressed.

“Fufufu. Hey, resist more desperately.” 

“–su, Titania, please defend! –[Super Explosion]!”

 After Philly casts the wind type special-grade magic [Thousand Blades Cyclone], a tornado is generated and I’m trapped in it.

 [Thousand Blades Cyclone] slices up anything in the tornado with countless blades of wind.

 Additionally, if you’re caught inside, it’s a vicious attack magic that makes it extremely difficult to escape.

 Titania had placed a square-shaped magical power barrier around me, so that the blades could not reach me.

 This barrier is far sturdier than the magic barriers used by humans, and no matter how many special-grade magic attacks I receive, I don’t have to worry about it breaking.

 Leaving the defence to Titania, I activate [Super Explosion].

 A large explosion occurs near Philly, but the attack is blocked by a wind barrier and doesn’t reach her.


 Since earlier, I have attacked Philly several times, but it has been completely ineffective..

 I have lowered the power slightly to avoid killing, but even so, my attacks shouldn’t be so weak to be this simply cancelled out, I can feel the gap between our strength.

<Lu child, this is enough. Concentrate on buying time.>

 As Titania says, I have tried various attacks, but the battle situation has not changed at all.

‘What a nuisance, fairies. They block my Talent, you’ve made some troublesome beings as allies, give me a break.”

<……Blocked Philly’s Talent? What does that mean?>

<We have been nullifying that woman’s Talent against you, Lu child. The one mainly doing that was Pixie. If we hadn’t done that, Lu child, you would be the same as those two people right now.>

<Ah…. that’s, thank you very much.>

“I can’t help it. I’m going to have to get a little serious.”

 As Philly says that, a magic formation appeared in the sky above and [Mjolnir] activates, massive lightning rains down, but Titania’s barrier protects me.

<su!? This is bad…., Lu child, you don’t have to do anything else anymore, just concentrate wholeheartedly on staying conscious!>

 Titania, who can see something I cannot, warns.

 What will happen from now, I wonder…..

<U, understood!>

 Immediately after I reply to Titania, countless special and advanced offensive magic comes at me.

 Their number exceeds a hundred.


(I can’t believe one individual can handle such a large amount of offensive magic on their own……)

 If it weren’t for Titania’s barrier, I would have instantly died. 

 And I also understood why Titania said that.

 Titania’s barrier is indeed strong.

 It’s so strong that it is unyielding even against this many attacks.

 However, this barrier cannot be maintained forever.

 This barrier is created by Titania. In other words, it is something that is being deployed through me.

 When fairies act through me, my strength and energy will be steadily reduced.

 Put differently, when I reach my limit, this barrier will disappear.

 I don’t know if it is because I am aware of this or because of the intensity of Philly’s attacks, but my stamina is being drained away.

 This is, tough…….


<Lu child, endure! Don’t let go of your consciousness!”

 I desperately try not to lose consciousness, that’s all I focus on.

“No matter how much more of the power of fairies you can draw out than an ordinary person, you are still just a human being. As long as you’re not the ‘Talented King’,  you cannot make fairies manifest over here. This is the end, Luna Flockhart. Die like this!”

 Finally, the barrier can’t be preserved, it disappears.

“Haa…… haa…… haa……”

 It became difficult to stand, my knees touch the ground as I gasp for breath.

 Luckily, the timing of the barrier breaking coincides with Philly’s interval, so I am still alive, but this is already–.

“Fufufu, I commend you for sticking it out for this long. –Well then, goodbye.”

 As Philly announces this, a spear of wind is released toward me.

<Titania, even though you took great pains to help us, my power wasn’t enough, I sincerely apologise.>

<……No, Lu child, you did a great job. –After all, you made it in time.>

 As Titania says that, something passes right beside me.

 Then, a girl wearing foreign clothing and glossy black hair appears in front of me. 

 The spear of wind coming towards me is parried by the sword she wields.


<Irregular must be dealt with by irregular.>

 When Orn was still in the Hero Party, after the joint subjugation, he said this.

 ”The strongest in the Tutril is definitely her. If anyone were to clash directly against her, there’s no one in this city — no, in this country that can beat her.”

 The one that Orn evaluates as the strongest Swordsman — Fuuka Shinonome, as if protecting me, is standing in front of me, facing Philly.

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