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Dungeon Sherpa: Chapter 8

 In no time at all, they had arrived at the 43rd floor. 

 Just as Berii had tried to gauge Rowe’s ability as a Sherpa, Rowe was also attentively trying to analyse the strengths of “Twilight’s Sword”.

 Their way of fighting could be completely summarised in one word as “overwhelming”.

 For one thing, clearing a labyrinth with only a standard party was something beyond the realm of common sense. For another, the way they divided their roles and their decision-making capabilities were more unique and refined than any party Rowe knew of. 

 Parties of advanced Adventurers who explore the deep layers each had their own clearing methods that made use of their unique characteristics. 

 This is known as the party strategy. 

 For example, to maximise the strengths of Magicians with powerful attack magic, Heavy Warriors cover for them, and Raiders provide backup. Light Warriors take on monsters that manage to break through the frontline. To recover mana, Magicians will take mana potions, to recover fatigue, Heavy Warriors will take cure potions, in this way the balance of the battlefield is maintained.  

 This is the orthodox party strategy, but although it doesn’t result in many mistakes, there are many cases where such parties are unable to break through that final wall. 

 Therefore, the method of expeditions was devised.

 Moreover, only a small proportion of parties are able to hunt alone in the depths.

 About thirty years ago, the Adventurer’s Guild recognized these kinds of parties as “Special Class”, and tried to conduct research on their party strategies, but this research did not continue for long. 

 This was because no matter what kind of party they were, each and every one of them were centred around those individuals with special Gifts, and the strategies they used could not be applied to other parties.

 The “Special Class” system was abolished, but for those who were all along interested in information comparing parties, the Adventurer Party Ranking Chart system took its place. 

 The top 10 Adventurer parties in the ranking charts, similarly utilise party strategies that cannot be imitated by other parties, and they are also extremely active. 

 Additionally, more Adventurers there are from a relatively younger generation. 

 And among them, “Twilight’s Sword” holds the most renown. 

 A Gift for manipulating monsters – [Phantasmagoric Needle]. 

 Rowe wasn’t aware of any other Gift that was this suitable for capturing labyrinths. 

 While attack-type magic is certainly powerful, it cannot be cast continuously, and its mana consumption is exorbitant. Although it is true that simple active Gifts also don’t consume too much mana. 

 Nevertheless, with her Gift, the more they dived into the labyrinth, the more their enemies – that is, their allies, became stronger. 

 In addition, her dark-type magic also had a complementary effect. 

 “Dark Bed” seemed to be able to recover the health of monsters. 

 As far as Rowe knew, other magical elements did not have these kind of effects. Furthermore, given the limited use of healing monsters, any potential research for doing so would probably be treated as a waste of time.

 In the first place, there is a limit to the number of spells one can have, so usually, nobody would even think of acquiring these kinds of meaningless spells. 

 Finally, depending on the nature of specific Gifts, they can also be combined with other skills for synergies, forming what are known as Combos; [Phantasmagoric Needle] and “Dark Bed” can be undoubtedly said to be one of the best Combos. 

 An Adventurer who specialises in capturing labyrinths, the “Spirit Messenger” Yuika,

 She was also an outstanding leader.

 Observing Berii’s appearance revealed a glimpse of affection that transcended gender; Nuuk’s attitude towards her resembled a subject serving his queen. He was less sure about Magikan, but at the very least, Magikan never commented on Yuika’s plans and seemed to watch over her like a granddaughter.

 From Rowe’s point of view, the positions in the party were completely connected to facilitating their party strategy. Everything was set up to ensure that Yuika’s Combo could be used; the other party members moved with this objective in mind. 

 Tyros Labyrinth underground floors 43 to 47.

 The recommended levels are 14 or 15.

 The party level of “Twilight’s Sword” was 12.

 Therefore, you could think of this as every normal monster encountered having the strength equivalent to a Floor Boss. 

 If it were normal, four people would be barely able to defeat one opponent. And moreover, monsters usually attacked in groups. 

“‘Bone Helper One’ to ‘Bone Helper Six’, shields up!”

 Yuika’s quick command flew.

 The horned Skeleton Soldiers were wearing equipment that could be considered first-class. This was probably the work of Dark Smiths said to reside in the deepest layers of the labyrinth. Round shields arranged in parallel, the Skeleton Soldiers built a sturdy wall. 

 The monsters charging in had an upper body of a woman and a lower body made up of countless snakes – Scylla. 

 They numbered eight.

 As weapons, they used the claws on both of their hands as well as deadly venomous snake fangs.

 Both groups collided at the front.


 The Skeleton Soldiers braced themselves and stood firm, although they were being slightly pushed back. The Scylla bit at them, sending venom scattering. However, the Skeleton Soldiers were immune to this kind of special attack that would have otherwise inflicted poison or paralysis. 

“’Bone Helper Seven’, flank the enemy!”

 Without even nodding its head to reply, one Skeleton Soldier that had been standing by at the rear started slashing at the Scylla. 

 A long sword swung. 

 At the moment of impact, a Scylla’s body burst. 


 This “Bone Helper Seven” held a Gift called [Impact].

“Ha, Black Princess! Above you, there’s something–“

 As Nuuk’s warning arrived, something stuck to the ceiling fell. 


 While grabbing Rowe’s arm, Yuika ordered.

“’Buu One’ to ‘Buu Three’, surround!”

 Wielding either spears or halberds, the pig-like Orcs stomped over and surrounded the thing that turned out to be a squirming Prince Slime. Normally, Slimes had a colour that resembled a mix of mould and mud, but this slime was a glossy yellow and highly elastic. 

 Its size was dozens of times larger – it could easily swallow a person. 

“Prince Slimes’ body fluids can melt even metals. As you approach, tentacles will extend. Careful!”


 Yuika nodded to Rowe’s advice.

 The Orcs attacked with their weapons, but no effect could be seen. Although the body was pierced, no damage seemed to be caused.

 On the contrary, white smoke started rising from their weapons. 

“Rowe, is this guy’s weakness fire?”

“It’s impossible with fire like from a torch. You need to use oil, or fire-type magic. If you can aim at the monster core well enough, you might just be able to defeat it with a sword…”

“Troublesome. For now, it should be enough to stall it.”

 On the frontline, one of the Scylla managed to breach the Skeleton Soldier shield wall. 

“Berii, poison. Careful.”

“If I get struck, kindly nurse me, Princess.”

 Berii charged at a terrifying speed and jumped.

“I’ll cut you down — [Whirlwind].”

 While rotating, the small curved swords in both her hands dug in. 

 It was a reckless tactic, but in the next moment, the body of that Scylla was deeply gouged. It was a wound that looked like it had been slashed at with a giant claw. She had used an active Gift that amplified the slashing capabilities of what was held. 

 With a rending scream, the Scylla bared its fangs. 

 A number of venomous snakes attacked from under its feet, but Berii was quick to retreat. 

 In her place to rush in was Nuuk. 

 As his weapon for the deeper layers, he held in his hands an iron rod with an iron ball chained to its front, an uncouth weapon, the flail. 

 Since it didn’t seem like he could make it, while wielding the flail, he activated his Gift.


 The iron ball separated and caved in the Scylla’s face. 

 The iron ball was attached by a chain, and it could be used for attacking from medium range. There was a mechanism that allowed the iron ball to return to its original position by pulling the chain attached to the handle, but there was no opportunity to rewind it in the midst of battle.  

 A one-time attack. 

 At the Scylla that collapsed with a dramatic noise, Berii struck again. 


 The heads of several snakes flew.


 To the monster with a flattened face, Berii spat mercilessly. 

“That’s enough.”


 And Nuuk moved forward again.


 A dull sound reverberated as an iron ball sank into the Scylla’s body. 

 Using active Gifts in quick succession required a cooldown period of several breaths. Nuuk’s weapon also required preparation as he needed to rewind the chain after attacking. In order to fill this gap, the two of them utilised this attack method of repeating alternate hit-and-runs, called a “Clutch”.

 Berii and Nuuk’s well-coordinated Clutch prevented the Scylla from counterattacking, and caused it to gradually accumulate damage. 

“Ho, Princess. Something’s coming again.”

 Lightly floating high overhead was Magikan, who announced the emergence of a new enemy. 

 From the passageway leading out the exit of this room, four monsters appeared. 

“…The Garrison, hah.”

“It seems so.”

 Yuika calmly nodded to Rowe’s groan.

 Of the four, three of them wore full plate armour that released a dull shine. The other one was wearing a robe made from some unknown material. Their weapons varied, a spear, axe, one-handed sword, and a wand. 

 Humanoids with purple skin known as Lesser Demons. 

 They typically prowl the depths of the labyrinth in groups of four. Among Adventurers, they are nicknamed the Garrison and widely feared. 

 Although not to the extent of Floor Bosses, they are considerably strong enemies. 

“There’s a chance they might use ranged attack magic. In the expedition three years ago, these monsters destroyed the vanguard, and caused great losses.”

 That was the first ever expedition that Rowe had participated in, it was a tragic incident where many Adventurers and Sherpas had died. 

“’Minorin’ and ‘Buu Four’ to ‘Buu Seven’, meet them!”

 While battling in rooms, it is always necessary to be prepared for the possibility of additional battles. This is because monsters can spring up from nowhere. In the worst case, dozens of monsters may gather, in what is also known as a Monster Carnival.  

 The strongest among her pawns, the Minotaur, had been standing by for precisely this reason. 

“’Bone Helper Seven’, support Berii and Nuuk!”

 From the stalled frontline, one of the Skeleton Soldiers drew back. 

 Even with the two of Berii and Nuuk, it was somewhat difficult to defeat the Scylla. This was because its physical strength was many times higher than theirs.

 However, “Bone Helper Seven” was able to smoothly get behind the Scylla to release its [Impact] Gift, sending the Scylla’s head flying. 

 A critical hit. 

“Ah, shit. I was about to get a good hit!” 

 Berii cursed regretfully, but quickly regained her mood after hearing Yuika’s voice.

“Berii, Nuuk, poisoned?”

“I’m alright, Princess. I can still go on.”


“Then, support ‘Minorin’. The enemy may use magic. Careful.”

“Got it!”

 Yuika cast the magic “Dark Bed”, healing the Skeleton Soldiers. 

“’Bone Helper Seven’, you support ‘Minorin’ too.”

 If the front remained stalemated, then because of Yuika’s long distance healing magic, the situation would eventually become advantageous for them. 

 In other words, if they could continue to stall the front, they would win. 

 By issuing precise commands to her party members and the monsters she controlled, Yuika was turning the various battlefields in their favour. 

 For Adventurers who typically used their own bodies as weapons, she was an exceptional existence. 

 Her appearance was that of a commander who freely controlled the battle situation through her subordinates. 

 But even so, surprises could still happen.

 Suddenly, the Minotaur and Orc group was struck by a “Blizzard”. Covered by clumps of ice and snow, the monsters were gradually deprived of their movements. 

 The one Garrison holding the wand had used ranged attack magic. 

 The four Orcs were completely silenced. 


 However, it was ineffective on the Floor Boss of the 40th floor, the Minotaur. The muscles of its entire body swelled and crushed the ice cage from the inside. It raised its battleaxe and slammed it against the nearby enemies. 

 The one receiving that attack was the warrior-type Garrison wielding a one-handed sword and a large shield. Physically, it was not a match for the Minotaur and was launched backwards. 

 Without any signs of being shaken, the other two spear and axe wielding Garrison used their weapons to strike the Minotaur. 

 Despite having what you might call muscle armour, the Minotaur was not wearing any other defensive equipment. Although receiving deep wounds, its overwhelming physical strength allowed it to continue swinging its battleaxe. 

“Magic is definitely great. By all means, I’ll make it mine.”

 With a ferocious smile, Yuika pulled out her estoc.

 Leaving the last remaining Orc – “Buu Eight”, to guard Rowe and Magikan, the “Spirit Messenger” leapt into the front line.

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One response to “Dungeon Sherpa: Chapter 8”

  1. Man, this party is eerie. The way all the members love her makes me wonder if her creepy-ass Gift only works on monsters.

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