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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 12 – The Abilities Of These Promising Rookies

 No major trouble occurred, and we proceeded at a good pace, arriving at the 20th floor earlier than planned. 

 It won’t take more than ten more minutes for us to reach the Floor Boss. With the Officers, the Floor Boss can be easily defeated, and it looks like we’ll be ending with this today. 

 Up to here, the 10th Squad had engaged in several battles. 

 I had been concerned with them only having three people, but by the midpoint of today’s guided exploration, I came around to thinking that there would be no problem with their three person composition. 

 First, Logan.

 His ability to choose appropriate support magic, activation timing, Multiplier Effect of support magic, all of them are at a high value. 

 Since today was in the upper layers, battles ended quickly, and there are still aspects that can’t be judged, but if he can maintain this level even in a prolonged battle, honestly he can play an active role in A Rank parties. 

 He also passes the level of attack magic required of Enchanters, and I can understand Logan adopting that kind of arrogant attitude. No doubt he’s a genius. 

 Only, I will be remiss if I didn’t mention that his instructions are poor. 

 Well, this requires a lot of combat experience, so it’d probably improve from here on. 

 Next, Caroline. 

 Befitting her words of aiming at being an evasion-type Defender, she had high agility, and could even toy around with the speed focused demonic beasts of the upper layers, Horned Rabbits and White Wolves.  

 However, there are also problem points.

 First of all, as soon as she finds a demonic beast, she rushes at it. Given that she’s a Defender, it’s okay if she closes the distance, but in her case, before she’s attacked she already attacks! Fighting with that kind of attitude makes those watching nervous. 

 Also, her choice of weapon is dual daggers. Daggers match her nimble movements, but in this three person party, there is no Vanguard other than her. Because of this, I’m left with worries about her low attack power. 

 Finally, Sophia.

 Regarding this girl, the other two are at a high level, so in comparison she ends up looking unfavourable, but the might of her magic, and the time it takes until it activates is high enough to the level where you can’t think of her as a beginner. 

 Perhaps because of her personality, she can’t be proactive in battle, but this can probably be improved if she starts opening up to her companions. 

 Compared to advanced explorers, of course they’re still a long way off, but their flaws are not flaws you’d usually find in beginners, and they’re kids that leave you looking forward to their future growth. 

 The 9th Squad… yeah, in the future they might start showing promise. 

 While thinking about that, the Officers, excluding Selma and I, defeat the 20th Floor Boss. 

 For the time being, that concludes today huh.

 I’d thought more problems would arise, but I guess the Clan had made sufficient preparations. 

 Even when they encountered situations where it was difficult to make straightforward decisions, no one panicked and they were able to deal with them.

 To be honest, I didn’t think it would go this smoothly.

 It seems I had underestimated this organisation called “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”.

 Though I say that, from tomorrow we will be entering the middle layers. 

 There will be fewer levels to traverse than today, but it’s definitely going to become harder. 

 Arriving at the 20th floor, the newcomers take turns to hold their Guild card over the crystal. After they finish, we all transfer to the surface. 

 Even though we end earlier than planned, the sun has already set.

 I catch sight of many among the beginners who have reached peak tension and fatigue.

 Today’s exploration is really terrible on the beginners.

 Seriously to make this kind of plan, I really want to lecture that thoughtless, idiotic aristocrat. 

 All of us moved to the plaza where we had gathered in the morning. There, Selma expresses her thanks to the beginners, and today comes to an end. 

 Naturally, even I was a little tired, so I was thinking of finishing a proper dinner and quickly hurrying to bed, when Selma called out to me. 

“Orn, how were the beginners?”

“Well, the 9th Squad might show future promise, the 10th Squad, just as you said, Selma, are promising rookies, but they are entirely incapable of coordinating. Especially Caroline, who honestly does nothing but worry me.”

“Hahaha… That’s already much better than before.”

 Selma murmurs with a vexed face.

 If that’s better, how exactly was it like before…

“Then, I’ll be counting on you tomorrow too.”

“Yeah, good night.”

 I part from Selma and walk around the city to arrange dinner.

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