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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 18 – [side Hero Party, Oliver] Slump


 I let out my frustrations by swinging my sword with all my strength and defeat the demonic beasts. 

 Somehow I manage to defeat all of them. 

(Damn! Annoying.)

 The biggest cause for my irritation is that the new member who’s following us today, Philly, her buffs quickly wear off. 

visit for a better reading experience, your support will also help motivate me to release more

 Although at first, I was excited that her support magic was much more effective than Orn’s. 

 However, it’s natural that your frustrations will pile up if during these kinds of battles, your bodily senses keep being disturbed. 

 When support magic buffs run out, obviously your physical abilities will return to normal. 

 What’s more, it isn’t a gradual return, but happens in an instant. 

 It wouldn’t matter when you’re staying still or walking around, but it does matter during the middle of a battle with intense movements. 

 If the buff expires during those times, then you get attacked by the feeling of having large weights attached to your entire body. 

 Light as a feather, body pressed down by weights, again light as a feather. 

 Going through that time after time is a serious burden for both body and mind. 

 That guy, on the first day of exploration when he used support magic, it only took an hour for his buffs to stop expiring during battle. 

 It’s already been a few hours since you’ve dived into the labyrinth, you know?

“I, I’m sorry. I’ll get the feeling for it soon!”

 Philly apologises with her head remorsefully looking down.

 ……It is true that that guy’s adaptability is abnormally high, no one will argue if you say that.  

 I can admit that. 

 For a normal Enchanter, it may take a bit more time for them to make sure their buffs don’t suddenly cut off. 

“Ah. I’m counting on you. And since Derrick and I are Vanguard Attackers, we have many blind spots. Let us know how the demonic beasts in our blindspots will be moving next. Enchanters have the overview, so that much should be doable right?”

“I, iiimposible! Right now it’s already too overwhelming just handling the support magic…”

 This is the first time for Philly to be exploring with this party. Besides, I am also aware that my magic resistance is high. 

 She is definitely an excellent Enchanter, but to ask her to do the same things as Orn, who had been exploring with us for close to a decade, might be a bit harsh.

 I can’t blame Philly, so I turn my anger at Aneri, who is the next source of my irritation. 

“Aneri, you know this is the deep layer!? Even if the objective is to practice cooperation, do you not know that this isn’t a good place to play around!”

 Up to now, Aneri has yet to directly defeat a single demonic beast. She has been activating her attack magic, but all of that has been nothing but the level of weak magic suitable only for inflicting damage on monsters from the lower layers. 

 She’s sending burdens over to Derrick and me.

“I’m doing it properly! The same as usual! Even so, why!? Why can’t I activate anything other than this kind of weak magic!?”

 Aneri hysterically screams.

 Judging from her attitude, it doesn’t sound like she’s lying, so what’s happening?

“Don’t take it out on other people, Oliver. Even your condition ain’t that great today. Well, me too. Is this that thing they call a slump? For three out of five people to suddenly slump, can’t say it’s anything other than bad luck.”

 It’s as Derrick said. I myself have lower attack power than normal.  Usually when I shout ‘now!’, and swing my sword, I can cut through the opponent no matter how tough they are.

 But I can’t do that today.

 Even though my physical abilities should be several levels higher thanks to Philly’s support magic, why?

 As for Derrick, previously, no matter what kind of attack, his posture would never break. 

 However, today, his guard was easily broken through after receiving attacks from demonic beasts, and we even saw him taking a direct attacked.  

“Damn! I haven’t neglected my daily solo exploration! Even so, why have I become this weak!?”

 As a party leader, I try not to whine, but I was so filled with frustration and lacking in calm that my complaints finally leak. 

“…………Do you not even understand that?”

 From the end of the welcoming party two days ago to now, Luna, who hadn’t opened her mouth, now questions with a shocked tone that came from the bottom of her heart.

“Luna, you know why we’ve got such bad form!? …Speaking of which, you’re the only one same as usual.”

 Derrick, who quickly reacts to her remarks, asks Luna.

 If you know the reason, please by all means, I want you to tell me.

 I must clear this Great Labyrinth..

 I can’t stop at a place like this.

“………Haaa.. You really don’t understand. I’m so amazed I can’t say a thing.”

 With that, Luna once again shuts her mouth.

“Hey! Tell us! What’s up with that attitude when your comrades are in trouble!?”

 Aneri, offended by Luna’s attitude, presses for the answer.

“…’Comrades’, is it? Certainly, for now we’re still like that huh….. Haa, it can’t be helped. The reason why you guys are weaker—-su!?”

 Just as Luna looked like she was going to be telling us the reason, a thunderous roar echoed in the sky. 


 Somebody mutters as we raise our heads to look at the direction of the roar. 

 Perhaps it was me.

 At the end of gazes — a body wrapped in obsidian-like lustrous black scales that looked like an enormous reptile. 

 From its back grew wings that were large enough to cover almost its enormous body. 

 ”Ominous” is the perfect word to describe this demonic beast. 

 I know this guy.

“Why, you, why are you here!? — Black Dragon!!”

 The Floor Boss of the 92nd floor, the Black Dragon, looked down on us from above in the far sky.

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