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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 23 – Officers vs. 50th Floor Boss

 One way or another, we arrive at the 50th floor Boss Area…

 Getting here without any major problems, I honestly didn’t think that was possible. 

 Even though as we progressed farther into the labyrinth, there were more cases when the beginner parties looked like they were about to be defeated and the Officers had to step in to support them.

 That was something unavoidable. 

 Still, perhaps the beginners have become more accustomed through these past three days to exploring the labyrinth, today’s schedule is well ahead of time. 

“Then, let’s quickly defeat the Floor Boss and go celebrate!”

 While shouting out to the Officers, Selma casts various buffs. 


 The 50th Floor Boss is a Giant Crab demonic beast. 

 Although its body is overall large, its left claw is about the same size as its body, making it look extremely unbalanced. 

 This time, I have a big part to play in the battle. 

 –To sever that annoying left claw. 

 Crab claws are extremely durable, so it should take time to lop off –normally. 

 I cut in front and dash towards the Crab. 

 While running, I cast the buffs I need on myself. 

 The Crab raises its left claw in an attempt to swing it down on me. 

 I’m grateful to it for setting the stage on its own for my operation. 

 Kick the ground, jump just a bit over the Crab’s head, quicker than it can swing that claw. 

 Cross over the Crab, aim at the joint connecting the left claw, brandish my sword. 

 Right before the blade makes contact, activate [Impact]. 

 [Impact] Is one of my original magics.

 The effect is simple.

 For a moment less than a second, the equipment that this magic is cast on has its capabilities, durability, and magic power forcibly increased… by a maximum of a hundred times.

 In the process of getting to deeply understand magic, I discovered a bug. 

 Although I call it a bug, it doesn’t affect my normal ability to use magic. 

 I took advantage of this bug and cheated to create this [Impact] magic and one other spell. 

 There is some guilt when I use these spells, but they didn’t have any demerits like threatening the lives of the people I use it on. 

 Although the difficulty in constructing the formula is extremely high, formula construction is one of the skills I have polished to the extreme.

 Because of this, the difficulty of constructing the formula doesn’t hinder me.

 As an Enchanter with a low support magic multiplier effect, this is the one way I have that allows me to leave with my life intact from the deep layers. I will use it without hesitation. 

 This is my identity.

 And no matter how useful it is, I know that it’s a cheat. 

 Therefore, this magic will not be publicised. 

 Thus, this is my own magic that only I can use.

 The sword I swing meets no resistance, and the claw is sent flying from the joint. 

 Jump over the Crab, land behind it.

“Seriously!? He seriously hacked off the claw with a single strike!”

 From the other side of the Crab, I can hear Bernard’s exhilarated voice. 

 I did say I would cut it with my first slash, you didn’t believe me huh?

 The crab tries to turn around to attack me, but before it can do so, the two Defenders approach and earn the Crab’s hate. 

 If that troublesome claw is gone, all that remains is a weak demonic beast covered in a hard shell. 

 The two Defenders attack from the front and I from behind, targeting mainly its feet and nailing it to the spot. 

 Selma and Kathy concentrate attack magic on the shell from the sky.

 When the shell cracks, I stab that opening with my sword.

 In less than five minutes, the Crab turns into black mist.


 After the two Defenders recover the magic stone and the demonic beast materials, they return to the beginners.

 Everyone is celebrating the end of these three days with faces full of smiles. 

(It’s a Clan with a good atmosphere.)

 Looking at that, my heart starts to warm. 

 But I didn’t join their circle, and since defeating the Crab, I haven’t been able to move over to them.

(Besides, somehow, this feeling… almost like when you’re in the deep layers…)

 Surrounding air that doesn’t resemble air of the middle layers, that ends up making me feel nervous even if I don’t want to be.

 While thinking about that, suddenly, the space in the middle of the Boss Area distorts. 

 –Immediately after, with a roar like thunder, an enormous black something appears. 

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