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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 29 – [side Hero Party, Luna] Deportation

 After leaving the Great Labyrinth, we hurry to the guild.

“We are ‘Golden Daybreak’! Please get the Guildmaster or the Deputy Guildmaster! It’s a race against time! As soon as possible, please!”

 As soon as I enter the Guild building, I raise my voice loudly.

 It’s unbefitting, but this isn’t not a situation to be concerned about such matters. 

“’Golden Daybreak’, the Hero Party!? Someone hurry up and inform the Guildmaster!”

 One of the Guild staff who notices us shouts out to another person.

 ”Golden Daybreak” is the name of our party.

 After reaching the 94th floor, we’re more often called the Hero Party.

 However, this name has never changed since nine years ago, when Orn, Oliver and I started this party as beginners. 

 The origin of this party name, well, I’ll mention it when I have the chance. 

 I don’t have time for that now,

“Luna, what are you in such a hurry? Shall we move to the conference room for now? The Guildmaster will be coming soon.”

 In the commotion caused by our sudden intrusion, a female Guild employee who remains calm calls out to me. 

 She is Eleonora.

 A Guild employee who is in charge of our party and who we have been indebted to since the formation of “Golden Daybreak”.

 When I see Eleonora, my anxious feelings slightly ease.

 This person’s reassuring and trusting aura is something I hope to have one day.

 The room we are guided to by Eleonora is quite large.

 Perhaps Guild executives other than the Guildmaster will also come.

 As expected of the influence a call of someone from the Hero Party would have.

 With just one shout, you can gather all the Guild executives…

 Everyone would be gathering in response to my voice, but we will be returning their favour with ingratitude. 

 How should we atone for this…

 With thoughts like that, including the Guildmaster, several Guild executives appear in the conference room. 

“I truly apologise for calling for you all suddenly. I have come here today because there is a request I need to make. I want all the explorers currently diving in the Great Labyrinth to be immediately Deported back to the surface.”

 Originally, such negotiations are usually carried out by Orn or Oliver. 

 Now that Orn isn’t here, Oliver should be handling it, but since earlier, he has been silent and completely useless. 

 Derrick and Aneri are not good at negotiating, and we cannot leave this to Philly, who has only just joined.

 That is why, by process of elimination, I am the one speaking on behalf of everyone. 

“Seeing that it’s you bunch, the Heroes saying that, there’s likely an appropriate reason. However, when asked to perform Deportation, I can’t just give an immediate answer. First, can you tell us the reason?”

 The Guildmaster inquired for the purpose.

 I have heard that Deportation is a fairly costly magic.

 It’s helpful that they didn’t just reject us without listening. 

“I don’t have time to talk in detail, so I’ll be explaining it briefly. I promise that I will talk about all the specifics after the incident is handled, please acknowledge.”

 I make sure the Guildmaster nods his head in agreement before I resume talking. 

“The reason for currently requesting Deportation is that it is extremely possible the Floor Boss of the 92nd Floor has moved to Boss Areas in the lower layers and above. While we’re taking time to discuss this, those who meet the Black Dragon will end up losing their lives without being able to put up any resistance. After Deportation, we will subjugate the Black Dragon. But first of all, I’m begging you to prioritise human lives and perform Deportation!”

 My remarks shake the guild executives.

 It would do so. It must be unprecedented for a Floor Boss to move from where they are supposed to be.

 Even the Guildmaster, usually gentle and never lets his smile leave his face, has a look that suggests he cannot believe this.

 But that was only for one moment.

 He immediately moves to pass a resolution for the use of Deportation.

 All Guild executives agree and decide to Deport.

 I thought there would have been more disagreement. 

 It’s decided this quickly…

“Ah, only for those in the 45th to 50th Floors, can they be transferred to another place… such as, well, the plaza near the Great Labyrinth?”

 Based on the information in my hands, “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” will surely be exploring the 45th Floor by now.

 However, they are an excellent Clan, and there is also Orn.

 It appeared that they finished ahead of schedule yesterday, and now they should be somewhere between the 45th to 50th Floors. 

 If only the ones on those floors can be transferred to another place, we can locate Orn sooner. 

“For something like that, there’s no problem.”

 The Guildmaster, who listened to my wish, made appear a magic formation that I had never seen before. 

 To be honest, I am completely unable to understand its structure, but might Orn be able to grasp it?

 For someone that could quickly understand my Talent, I feel something like this will pose no issue to him.

 It looks like all the Guild executives are pouring mana into the magic formation.

“The Deportation is complete. We request ‘Golden Daybreak’ to subdue the Black Dragon. We will support the explorers confused by the sudden Deportation. Set out!”

 All the executives immediately start to move upon the command of the Guildmaster..

“Well then, we will also go search for Orn.”

“…Hey, do we really need that jack-of-all-trades? To start, I don’t even know how much of what Luna said earlier was right. Don’t need him, right?”

“T, that’s right! Just now we lost because it was close to something like a surprise attack! If I had known from the beginning that we were going to fight a Black Dragon, I wouldn’t have fallen behind like that!”

 Even after reaching this point, Derrick still complains about Orn rejoining us, and moreover, Aneri still agrees.

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3 responses to “Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 29 – [side Hero Party, Luna] Deportation”

  1. After suffering that much those two are still in denial. Can’t wait for their reaction when they know orn soloed the dragon

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