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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 31 – [side Sophia] Reflections

“Today was an amazing day…”

 After the guided exploration, they made us beginners quickly go back.

 But it can’t be helped. That kind of thing happened. 

 My sister hasn’t come back yet.

 She’s probably running about busily in many different places, right?

 My sister is very busy these days.

 I’m really worried her body might end up breaking down.

 Immediately after I came back, I had food, took a bath, and changed into my sleeping clothes.

 And now, I’m working on a report about the guided exploration that I was told will have to be submitted to my teacher, so I’m remembering what happened today. 

 First of all, I asked Orn to teach me different things.

 Knowledge about being a magician, parallel construction. 

 For now, it’s all a bit too difficult for me, but I want to learn it little by little. 

 And also, along the way, I fought together with Logan and Caroline, but even more than usual, we were unable to cooperate.

 Logan didn’t give any instructions, and Caroline rushed in straight away.

 I was afraid of hitting them, so I couldn’t participate in the battle very much.

 Someday, will it be possible to cooperate like how my older sister’s party does?

 I think it’s bad that I haven’t been less shy and more active during our discussions. 

 And in the end was of course, that Black Dragon invading. 

 I don’t know the details, but it was a boss from the deep layers that even my sister’s party couldn’t beat.

 When I was glared at by that Dragon, I was more scared than when I was surrounded by Orcs the other day.

 Even recalling that now makes my body still shiver. 

 I think it was unavoidable that my sister’s party lost to something like that. 

 I feel that I really understand for the first time what is so scary about the deep layers.

 But Orn defeated that alone!

“I was saved again…”

 This is the second time that Orn has helped me.

 I can’t be grateful enough to Orn.

 How should I return the favour…

 If there’s anything Orn is troubled with, I will do my best to help him!

 I can’t imagine a situation like that happening though…

 Even so, Mr. Orn’s serious expression when fighting the dragon was really cool…

 He always has a gentle face, so I ended up thinking of unnecessary things.

 Is this what they call a gap? It was really cool.

 ……For some reason, when I think about  Orn, my face gets hot…

 The door of the room opens as I fan my face with both my hands.

“I’m back……”

 My sister is back.

 To say it in a terrible way, her face right now looks really horrible. 

 She looks very tired.

“Sister, welcome back.”

 As my sister approaches my bed while stumbling, she dives onto my bed. 

“Sister, your clothes will be wrinkled, you know? Take a shower later before going to bed.”


 It may be the first time in a year that I’m seeing my older sister this tired.

 Or maybe more than tired, is she worried?

“What happened?”

 To my question, my sister responds with a twitch.

“……………………Sophia, what did you think of today’s battle between Orn and the Black Dragon?”

 After a long time, she asks me a question.

“Eh? ‘It’s amazing, Orn is strong’, I thought.”

 When I give my honest impressions, my sister lost her strength.

 Did I say something strange?

“…It might have been too advanced, I wonder if the beginners would be able to understand what happened.”

“Hmm? I did understand?”


 My sister turned scary eyes towards me.

 Won’t children cry if they see you like that?

 Don’t look at your family like that…

“Orn’s movements were very fast, he was leaping around in the air, shooting black flames from his sword, and using magic I never saw before, but other than that, wasn’t it just the basics of combat?”

“Basics of combat?”

“Yeah, I’m a beginner, so I take many lectures at the Exploration Management Department. There, I was taught the basic combat styles of each role, the way Orn fought is the same thing as that right? For example, the combat style of a Rearguard Attacker and a Defender at the same time.”

 My sister’s eyes open wide in surprise.

 Today’s older sister is showing a hundred different faces. It’s a little interesting.

“If you ask me, it looks like he was able to achieve the combat styles of all the different kinds of party members by himself.”

“Right? That’s why Orn’s battle today was very helpful! Orn said. ‘What’s important for a Magician is whether you can contribute to your party even during your interval period’. I feel like Orn was showing one way of doing that. That’s why I want to work even more harder, and become a strong and cool explorer like Orn!”

“One way, huh. Sophia is amazing.”

 Somewhere along the way, my sister starts to have a refreshed look on her face. I wonder why?

“No way. My sister is more amazing!”

 Yes, it’s my sister who is amazing.

 To the me who had given up and only obeyed everything my father and mother said, I am grateful to my sister for showing me another path.

 I respect my sister who has been praised by many people for her own strengths.

“Because of Sophia, I’ve fixed my resolve. Thank you. Well then, I’ll take a shower. Want to sleep together today?”

 Apparently something has been cleared up.

 I’m not sure what, but I’m glad my sister is feeling better!

“Yeah! It’s been a long time since we slept together! I’ll finish my report by the time sister comes back!”

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