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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 35 – Advice

 ”Oh, isn’t it the Hero who conquered the Black Dragon? Is it alright? To be wasting your time in a place like this?”

 When Grandpa sees me, he immediately teases me.

“A Hero… I’m nothing like that. Still, you already knew that I defeated the Black Dragon?”

“Hohohoho. You defeated a deep layer boss by yourself. It might not even be enough to simply call you a Hero. Besides, you’re the talk of the town right now, you know? I might be hard of hearing, but word still reached me.”

 Hard of hearing, huh.

“It was just good luck that I could beat it. I don’t know if I’ll be able to beat it again if I run into the same situation.”

“Is that so? According to what I heard, Orn, you didn’t even take a single hit?”

 No, surely there’s no way even that kind of information is out there. 

 Occasionally, Grandpa demonstrates an ability to gather information that puts active informants to shame.

 I’ve known Grandpa for a long time, but I still don’t know his depths.

 Well, even though it’s self-centred, I think of Grandpa as family, so I don’t care what kind of person he is.

“So? What do you need today?”

“I just have a little something I want to ask.”

“Oh. Say it?”

“Just now, I received an invitation from ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’.”

 Grandpa has listened to my whining for who knows how many times. 

 I don’t intend to hide anything from Grandpa, so I’ll be honest about what was said to me earlier. 

“Well, it’s only obvious. A Swordsman capable of subjugating a Black Dragon wouldn’t be overlooked by a “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” that had recently lost their Vanguard Attacker.”

“…Yeah. Well, I think what Grandpa just said is eighty or ninety percent part of the reason. They also gave me a rather attractive proposal. I was told they would not only welcome me as the Vanguard Attacker of Selma’s party, but also that they would prepare an executive seat for me.”

“Oh, that’s a good deal.”

“Yeah. ――But I’m lost.”

“…Why might that be?”

“Well for me, during the time when I was in a party with Oliver and the rest, I pushed myself close to death and gave everything to the party.” 

 This city has a Great Labyrinth, so it’s livelier than other cities.

 Aiming to strike it rich, many young people are always coming to this city. 

 For that reason, the city is also filled with entertainment facilities such as casinos. 

“There are many things to do in this city. Although I was interested in those things, I was pretty much the only one doing the work of negotiating with all types of people and handling the behind-the-scenes matters of the party. Sometimes Luna helped me, but she had her own training, and she had no time to spare. I myself decided to become stronger and became an explorer so I wouldn’t just have to cry helplessly when facing unfair things and I wasn’t dissatisfied But in the end, I was expelled from the party.”

 Depending on who you ask, I think there might be some people who would say that me being expelled was unfair. 

 But I don’t think it was unfair.

 The party I had belonged to aimed to conquer the Great Labyrinth, so there’s nothing strange about making someone who couldn’t keep up leave. 

 That would just mean that person was lacking in ability. 

 In my mind, I know that. 

 But emotions are not so simple.

 In the end, I did feel frustrated, and it made me want to cry out, “why?”, even though I’d done my best.

“After participating in ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’’s plans, I’ve become aware that it’s a good Clan. I do have a strong desire to join. But what ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’ wants is my knowledge. After being made use of, after I become unnecessary, I might be thrown away again. When I think of that, I get scared… I can’t take that step…”

“Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!”

 Grandpa, listening to what I said, suddenly bursts into laughter.

“Sorry for suddenly laughing. Orn, you always look so mature, so seeing that you still hold thoughts appropriate to your age makes me happy and I ended up doing that unintentionally.” 

“Appropriate to my age? You mean my way of thinking is still immature?” 

 I’m offended by Grandpa’s remark, but I act calm and ask. 

“That’s exactly right.”

 My question is frankly answered. 

“Listen well Orn, I think society is based on reciprocation.”

 If I’m not wrong, reciprocation refers to a relationship where different parties benefit each other. 

“People can’t live alone. Everyone is supported by someone, and sometimes, they can come to support others even without they themselves even knowing. Orn’s relationship with me is the same. You make use of me to get what you want. I make use of you to earn money. Though certainly, it’s hard to see how the term ‘make use’ has a positive connotation. In that case, what you mean by ‘make use’, can be considered and replaced by ‘complementing what each other is missing’.”

“Complement what each other is missing…”

“That’s it. Orn, you look like you think after you enter the Clan, you will be the only one giving, but is that really so? Won’t you get anything back from the Clan?” 

 When I hear what Grandpa says, I feel like the scales have fallen from my eyes.

 I’d been thinking that I would be the only one being used. 

 If I join the Clan, surely I will be able to request help from the Clan. 

 I’ll lend my strength to the Clan’s conquering of the Great Labyrinth and the Clan will support me in various ways.

 Though I’d felt reluctant to join a Clan or another fixed party, after listening to Grandpa’s story, my perspective has changed. 

 Until now, I’ve only done full-fledged labyrinth exploration with the Hero Party.

 I did think it was fun to explore the labyrinth with the members of “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”.

 Certainly, I will be made use of by the Clan.

 But after that, whether or not I’m thrown away depends on my effort, doesn’t it?

 Even after I’ve handed over everything I have, it’ll be okay as long as I can make the Clan think I’m necessary as a talent that they can’t do without. 

 Grandpa smiles as he saw my face.

“Looks like you’ve changed your mind.”

“Yeah. After all, Grandpa is amazing. Thanks for listening to me.”

“You’re welcome then. Listen up, Orn. Decisions made when you’re conflicted will always leave you regretting… So, whether you join or don’t join ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’, you will probably come to regret it in some way someday. That’s why I think what’s important is for you to make a choice that your future self will be able to understand, even if only a little bit. Well, after all, it is because you don’t know what’s going to happen in the future that you’re currently worried.”

 Come to regret, huh.

 Having to decide between choices means that the future will diverge.

 I think it’s a daily occurrence for anyone to have the thought ‘if only I had done this at that time instead’. 

 But it’s exactly because of this that you should make a decision you’ll be able to understand when you do end up thinking like that. 

 As you would expect, the words of the elderly are heavy…

“I’ll take that to heart. Thanks for the advice. Next time, I’ll definitely come to buy something.”

“Good. I’ll be waiting.”

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