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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 62 – Troublesome News

“Evening, Grandpa. Sorry I’m late.”

“Oh, welcome. I just happen to be closing up the store. You mind waiting inside?”

 Grandpa said as he moved the merchandise around.

“No, I’ll help you.”

“That so? Thank you.”

 We quickly finish cleaning up and move into the living room.

“…..Well then, what do you need me for today? Coming here at this time, something to do with magic?”

 After sipping a cup of warm green tea, he asked me why I had come at this hour.

 By the way, this green tea is imported from a country in the eastern part of the continent, a green tea that has just the right balance of sweetness, bitterness and acidity.

 It’s a rare drink, but I like it and have it often.

“Yeah, I’m actually developing a new magic right now, and I was wondering if I could have some advice.”

 Saying this, I show Grandpa a piece of paper with a formula drawn on it.

 Grandpa is a magic tool specialist with tremendous skills.

 And he’s also quite familiar with magic.

 It was Grandpa who made my storage magic tool, and it was also Grandpa who taught me the basics of magic.

 In terms of knowledge about magic, I’m not even half as well-versed as Grandpa.

 This is complete speculation on my part, but I think Grandpa was a renowned magic tool specialist whose name was known all over the world.

 If you were to pick ten people at random and ask, “Who is the greatest magic tool specialist in the world?” I think more than eight would answer “Cavadale Evans”.

 And Grandpa’s name is also Cavadale.

 I don’t know why he taught someone like me magic, but I have no plans to tell anyone about Grandpa.

 Though I do advertise his general store, I haven’t told anyone that he’s a magic tool specialist.

“Interesting magic. As expected of my pupil.”

 Grandpa praises me with a smile on his face.

“Thank you. For Grandpa to say that, it gives me confidence.”

“Ho ho ho! In terms of developing magic, you’re definitely already better than I am. So, what do you want to consult about? From what I see, it looks like it’s almost finished.”

“Yeah. The final form is already in sight, so I think I can complete the magic by myself. Just need some trial and error to test it after completion though.  I wanted to seek your advice regarding the activation time. This magic inevitably takes a long time to activate. If you fall into a situation where you need to use it immediately, you won’t have the leisure to wait for it. I think this magic will be like my [Impact], it’ll become one of my fortes.” 

“[Impact], huh….. Orn, do you really think that is a glitch with magic?”

“……? What does that mean? It’s a bug because it contradicts the premise of support magic, right?”

“I see…… As I’d thought, Orn’s Talent–“

 Grandpa mutters quietly.

 I can’t hear him well.

“What did you say about my [Magic Convergence]?”

“No, it’s nothing. Let’s return to the topic at hand, due to the properties of this magic, it is inconceivable to shorten the activation time. You also cannot simplify the magic.”

“I guess it’s impossible after all……”

 I drop my shoulders.

 No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t think of any way to shorten the time to activation, so I wanted to ask Grandpa, but it looks like Grandpa has the same conclusion as me.

“What about a permanently activated magic tool? If it’s something like that, I can construct it?”

 ’Permanently activated’……

 There are countless magic tool specialists desperately working hard every day to invent that technique, don’t say it like it’s so easy…….

“I think that would be possible, but wouldn’t that attract demonic beasts?”

“Mm. No doubt, even with several Defenders in a different place, a few will definitely make a beeline for you, Orn.”

“I don’t want to hold on to something that scary……. If that’s the case, it’d be better for me to prepare it at a different place and when I need it– I got it! This might just work!”

 I tell Grandpa about the idea I just came up with.

 This is inspired by Will’s double-bladed sword.

“……Certainly that might be possible. There will be an interval, but it can be activated immediately as and when it is needed. And if you incorporate that mechanism into a storage magic tool, the effect of attracting demonic beasts should be the same as with a storage magic tool alone. You want me to make this?”

“Can I ask that from you? If it’s become this complicated, it sounds like it’ll take me several years to develop it. I can’t afford that much time.”

“Mhm. I understand. Orn is my cute grandson. A grandfather is someone who does whatever his grandson asks. But the magic must be completed by Orn, alright?

“Yeah, got it. Thanks Grandpa!”

“You’re welcome. I’ll make a prototype by today or tomorrow and report back to you how it feels. It might take some time to fine-tune it though.”

 Today or tomorrow?

 This person is really in a different league…….


 After that, I have dinner with Grandpa, leave the general store, then head to a bar.

 I didn’t have plans to do that, but when I was about to leave, I received some suspicious information from Grandpa. 

 That “Amunzers” has been active in the Southern Great Labyrinth.

 Having heard something like that, you have to verify whether it’s true or false. 

 Grandpa is well versed in all kinds of information, and I don’t doubt him, but because of the nature of the information, I want to confirm it with more than one person.

 ”Amunzers”, along with the “Cyclamen Cult” is the other one of the two major criminal organisations.

 They don’t harm ordinary civilians.

 Then, why are they included as one of the two major criminal organisations?

 It’s because they’re an organisation that kills large numbers of explorers.

 ”Amunzers” advocates that people should not conquer the Great Labyrinths.

 And so because their warning is ignored, it seems like they go around killing explorers.

 An organisation that is a menace to explorers.

 In the first place, I wonder what’s wrong with conquering Great Labyrinths?

 In fact, I’ve heard that in the kingdom where the Western Great labyrinth was conquered, many lower layer materials have come to be sold on the market, and the economy has picked up.

 Although since demonic beasts no longer appear, you can’t retrieve magic stones from the Great Labyrinth, there are many labyrinths within the kingdom, so magic stones shouldn’t run out. 

 In everyday life, magic stones and labyrinth materials have become indispensable.

 They can be obtained from ordinary labyrinths, but if you enter Great Labyrinths, you can get any materials you want.

 Since you can also obtain magic stones, I think there are only merits to descending through the floors of the Great Labyrinths.

 I enter the bar, my destination, and look around inside.

 After confirming that my target bartender is at the counter, I take a seat in front of him.

“I’ll have the special, please.”

 While saying that, I present five gold coins.

 The bartender glances at them and begins to make a cocktail.

 And what he brings out is a cocktail in a clear blue colour that looks delicious.

 I take the glass, cast [Taste Block] on myself and gulp down the drink.

 This drink isn’t harmful to the body, but apparently it’s so disgusting that it can’t be drunk directly.

 Not that I know because I’ve never properly drank it myself.

 The bartender is a peculiar informant who, after you finish this drink, tells you what you want to hear.

“So? What do you want to know?”

 Perhaps to refresh my palate, he serves me a proper cocktail this time.

 I can’t taste it though, because I’ve activated [Taste Block].

“I’ve heard that ‘Amunzers’ has been active in the Southern Great Labyrinth, is that true?”

“It is true. Several advanced explorers have already been killed.”

 In order to enter the Great Labyrinth or even ordinary labyrinths, you now need a Guild card.

 Because the Guild blacklists those who belong to “Amunzers”, they aren’t issued Guild cards.

 So despite that, how can “Amunzers” enter the labyrinth?

 It’s because those guys can make their own alternative to the guild card.

 And with that, they enter labyrinths and kill the explorers inside.

 They’ve been quiet lately, but they’re starting to move again, huh?

“Does the Guild know about this? I don’t think any official notice has come from the Guild.”

“I’m pretty sure they’re aware. Probably controlling the information cause they’re scared of causing confusion. Though I don’t know the truth.”

 I understand the possibility that the people might be thrown into chaos.

 But isn’t this getting your priorities reversed?

 The Explorers Guild is supposed to be an organisation that supports explorers.

 They should have alerted the Clans to this.

 Their target is advanced explorers.

 The lower layers of the Great Labyrinth, where advanced explorers are active, is tremendously vast.

 Unless you’re unlucky, you won’t encounter them, but the chances aren’t zero.

 The other party specialises in anti-personnel combat.

 On top of that, they have the ability to reach the lower layers.

 They’re really an extremely worrisome bunch.

 Or rather, I’d never thought that in such a short period of time following the “Cyclamen Cult”, we’d be hearing about “Amunzers”.

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2 responses to “Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 62 – Troublesome News”

  1. It’s obvious that his talent isn’t actually magic convergence but something better. I think it might be something like magic control/domination/manipulation and he thought it was convergence because he was just copying Oliver.

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