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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 64 – [side 1st Unit] The Night Before

“Tomorrow’s finally the day, huh?”

 I mutter as I look up at the full moon from my room.

“Tomorrow, sister and everyone else is going to the 92nd floor, right?”

 Sophia, wearing cute loungewear, asks me.

 My sister is seriously really cute.

 Just looking at her is soothing.

“Ah, that’s right.”

“Are you nervous?”

 Sophia points, and for the first time, I realise my hands are shaking.

“No, of course not. This is a warrior’s tremor. After a year, I’m finally going to get my revenge.”

 I push down the anxiety in my heart and act brave.

 I can’t show a weak front in front of Sophia.

 I have to be the strong sister.

 Otherwise, Sophia will end up worried.

 I took Sophia out of the house without asking her if she wanted to leave; I have a duty to protect her.

“……If you’re scared, you can say you’re scared, okay?”


 Sophia hugs me as she says this.

“I don’t want you to go. Because, maybe sister might die tomorrow. I want you to always stay with me. But you’re still going, right? Then although this is the only thing I can do, I’ll share my courage with you……! Lately, you know? I feel I’ve gotten along better with Carol and Log. And now that I’m leading the party, even if only a bit, I feel I’m a little braver. So, even if it’s really really tiny, I’ll give my courage to you! Sister can beat the Black Dragon! Do your best!”

 Sophia, you’ve become stronger.

 Just recently, she was a withdrawn and introspective child who you always had to guess how she felt from her expressions. 

 Did Orn give her the chance to change?

 Sophia, who used to be a crybaby, has become this strong.

 This is not the place for me to be frightened.

“Thank you, Sophia. Thanks to Sophia, my courage is welling up. We–“


 In my room, I’m staring at a tattered jacket from “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”.

“Albert, tomorrow, the 92nd floor — we are taking a Black Dragon.”

 With Albert gone, I became the oldest in the party.

 Because of that, I’ve come to realise once again how great Albert was.

 Am I being a good older sister?

 Unlike Albert, I’m not that far off in age from everyone else, so I decided to be a big sister to everyone, and I’ve been trying my best in my own way, but how has it gone, I wonder?

“…….Tomorrow, we’re going to catch up to Albert. With a former member of the Hero Party, to Albert. And we’ll catch up and overtake the current Hero Party, I — we, will become the next Hero Party! Tomorrow is the first step. I’ll be happy if you can watch over us from heaven. We–“


“Isn’t the moon beautiful~”

 Looking up at the full moon from the rooftop of “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”‘s headquarters.

“Fu fu fu~, just right for the night before ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”‘s big battle, yeah!”

 Whenever I feel nervous, I always come to a place where I can see the moon.

 That’s right, I’m nervous.

 I’m proud that in the past year, we’ve worked harder than anyone else.

 But I still don’t know if we can reach it.

 If Albert saw me being this weak, he’d be laughing…..

 Maybe he’s laughing his head off in heaven.

 Huh? Imagining something like that, I’m starting to feel annoyed?

“……This time we won’t lose anyone. I’m sick of feeling like that. To do that, I’ve spent so much time the past year studying a lot about recovery magic and even created my own original magic. I’m in charge of everyone’s lives. I won’t let anyone else die. We–“


“Here ya go, maintenance done.”

“Oh, thanks, old man.”

 In an empty space, I lightly swing the double-bladed sword that the old man Alan had taken care of for me.

“Perfect job as usual. Feels so comfortable in my hand that I’m almost scared.” 

“That’s good. ……Will, you’ve gotten stronger.”

“……What’s up, all of a sudden.”

“You’ve gotten stronger. As an explorer as well, but more than that, your heart, yeah. You’re still a joker, but the you I used to know would’ve ran away by now. But you haven’t run, and you’re going to fight. You’ve gotten stronger.”

“…………Hahaha, the hell is that……. I screwed up, got the person I respected killed. The one who should have died there was me. But I ended up surviving. That’s why I’ve got to do it…..! Whether it’s scary or not, no matter how many people talk behind my back, I have to carry on that person’s dream and I have to conquer the Great Labyrinth……! For that reason, we–“

  ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

““““-will slay the Black Dragon tomorrow, and set foot on the 93rd floor!!!!””””

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