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Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 85 – [side Leon] Strategy

 Presently, a few days before Thanksgiving, two people face each other in a small meeting room in the Explorer’s Guild.

 On one side, the Guildmaster managing the southern part of the continent, including the Great Southern Labyrinth — Leon Conti.

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 The other, an Enchanter and current member of the Hero Party — Philly Carpenter. 

 The atmosphere between the two is not friendly, but rather strained, as if the tension is building up to the bursting point. to get pinged for updates

“First of all, thanks for all your hard work. To be able to achieve the quota without taking more than two months, as expected of the Hero Party. It must have been very difficult to collect that many magic stones.”

 With his usual smile and cheer, Leon voices his appreciation. 

“……Are you being sarcastic?”

 To these appreciative words from Leon, Philly responds with a sour look as though she’s swallowed a bitter pill. 

“No, no, I didn’t mean it that way–“

 Leon’s words were from the heart. 

 This time, the number of magic stones required as a penalty from the Guild, excluding “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” and “Lacquered Evening Mist”, would have taken even A Rank party at least three months.

 But they achieved it in less than two months. This was praiseworthy enough.

“–Well, you were a bit too clumsy during your first exploration after joining the Hero Party. You were so cautious, you almost dug your own grave.”

“Kuh…… Who cares about that. I only came here for one reason today. ‘Amunzers’ — as well as that ‘White Demon’ coming to the Southern Great Labyrinth….. why wasn’t I informed?”

 Although her tone is soft, Philly’s eyes are so sharp that they would have made an ordinary person tremble.

“‘Why’, you’re saying. Because there was a gag order…. for a mere explorer like you, there was no way you would be informed.”

 He didn’t flinch from Philly’s sharp eyes, gave her the reason in an indifferent manner.

“Only a mere explorer? That’s just a cover, you know? I’m a close associate of the Grand Master? In terms of position, I’m above you. You should be aware of place.” 

“Suppose I notified you, Philly, that ‘Amunzers’ has been active. I can easily imagine what would have happened next. –You and the White Demon would have started a fierce battle, and the people living in this city would have suffered tremendous damage. Knowing that, how could I have said anything?

“…..I think your imagination is correct. Hearing that, I would have without a doubt, moved to kill that woman. –But what’s wrong with that? She is clearly the enemy. And also, we have good justification to take out the murderer going around killing explorers. Killing her is a priority. If we can kill her, it doesn’t matter if everyone in the city dies.”

“…..What do you think lives are worth?”

 His cheerful expression falls apart, and Leon’s voice squeezes as if he’s desperately trying to suppress his anger.

“I don’t think anything about the lives of others. If you really want me to say it, they’re convenient puppets that can work as my hands and feet, alright?”

 In response, Philly says in a casual tone, as if it was only obvious.


“I don’t understand why you’re going to such lengths to…. protect those inferior beings.  –Ah, you’re inferior too, aren’t you?

 With a sneer, she mocks.

“……It’s better if you don’t look down on us too much. If you do that, you’re going to get hurt sooner or later.”

“Hmhmhm, going to get hurt, huh. How exactly? If I use my Talent, the next moment, you’re going to forget this conversation….. yeah? What can such a pathetic being do to me?”

“……Knowing that I would be talking to you face to face like this, do you think I haven’t prepared any measures?” 


“Your Talent is powerful. Depending on how you use it, there’s a chance……. you can even….. change the world as you like…… However, it’s not perfect. Try to use that power on me. In that instant, the location of the Guild’s headquarters and its past misdeeds will be spread to the entire world. I wonder what ‘Amunzers’ will do when they find out. Eight or nine out of ten, they should attack the headquarters. With the entire strength of their organisation, yeah.”

“–su. But even with that, you’ll……”

“I will forget… I’m sure. Still, the traps I lay definitely won’t be that simple.”

 Philly looks at Leon as if to check his true intentions.

“…………Isn’t this clear treason? Did you not pledge loyalty to that person?”

“Hm, I have pledged no allegiance to the Grand Master.”

“What are you–“

“Of course, the Grand Master knows this. The Guild’s true objective….. I don’t care. No, in fact, I detest it. But the Guild has become indispensable to today’s society. That’s why I work for this organisation. –For the sake of the innocent people living in this world……!”

 Leon says this as though crazed. 

 He spoke eloquently, as though about something extraordinary.

“…………Hah. There’s a high chance you’re bluffing, but there’s still always a chance you’re not. Alright, I guess it’s my loss today.”

“I don’t think there are winners or losers in this matter.”

“For now, I’ll stay out of your affairs and I’ll ask you to do the same for mine.”

 Philly’s words ease the tense atmosphere somewhat.

“Yeah, I’m fine with that. –I pray for all your plans to collapse.”

 Having acknowledged a ceasefire, Leon remarks snidely, but Philly simply frowns a little and leaves the room without reply.  

“………………Phew. I’ve crossed one dangerous bridge, and I’ve somewhat restrained her. –Now, I’ve got to get ready for Thanksgiving.”

 With the sound of Philly’s footsteps moving away, now left alone, Leon mutters to himself. 

 After taking a deep breath once and getting up from his seat, Leon returns to his usual mild-mannered appearance.

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One response to “Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 85 – [side Leon] Strategy”

  1. Villains and ne’er-do-wells everywhere!

    Also, thanks for this translation. I’m quite enjoying it.

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